I am a former network administrator at my university's Computer Science 
Department and we are setting up a mass virtual machine deployment using the 
Qemu VMM. We are using the tap-win32 driver to connect the virtual machine to 
the LAN. However, this requires that the TAP adapter be bridged to the physical 
ethernet card to function properly and the Windows network bridge is an 
administrative nightmare at best (it changes the externally-visible MAC address 
of the box, which then makes Ghost and DHCP very unhappy, as well as messing 
with a few other things.)

As a solution to this, I have been looking into the possibility of writing a 
modified TAP-win32 driver that is installed as an NDIS Intermediate Filter 
Driver in the net stack of the desired physical ethernet adapter instead of 
using the bridge, thus eliminating the MAC-changing headaches. While looking 
into this, I noticed an old post on this list from Emil titled "TAP-Win32 and 
other NDIS IM drivers". This post seemed to indicate that he had written such a 
driver already. If anyone knows if/where this driver has been made publically 
available, I would greatly appreciate finding this out. I did not see any links 
to Emil's project in the previous e-mails. Also, if anyone else has developed 
such a driver, I would greatly appreciate a link.

As a side note, the IM filter driver is how MS VMM's (virtual server and 
virtual PC) connect to the network and seem to make a more elegant solution for 
connecting a Windows-hosted VMM to the network than the current tap-win32 
driver, IMHO.

Ross Binkley
Graduate Student / Systems Administrator
Department of Computer Science
Tennessee Technological University

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