This release fixes an issue with the Windows TAP driver that can cause BSODs on Vista (normally seen in the OpenVPN client). The problem is that Windows has always restricted kernel threads to a very small stack size (12KB on x86 32-bit). If they go over this limit, Windows will crash with a BSOD. Apparently Vista has added a bit more bloat to its kernel stack usage, and as a result, when the TAP driver is called, and then it in turn calls other kernel-level functions, there is a chance that the kernel stack can overflow in a particular sequence of code that is executed when the client initially connects and gets an IP address assignment from the server. Apparently because XP is more efficient in its use of stack space, the same build of the TAP driver running on XP does not exhibit this defect.

2009.07.16 -- Version 2.1_rc19

* In Windows TAP driver, refactor DHCP/ARP packet injection code to
  use a DPC (deferred procedure call) to defer packet injection until
  IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL, rather than calling NdisMEthIndicateReceive
  in the context of AdapterTransmit.  This is an attempt to reduce kernel
  stack usage, and prevent EXCEPTION_DOUBLE_FAULT BSODs that have been
  observed on Vista.  Updated TAP driver version number to 9.6.

* In, use datadir instead of datarootdir for compatibility
  with <autoconf-2.60.


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