"Heiko Hund" <hh...@astaro.com> wrote on 2010-04-07 09:59:08:
> Hi,
> On Tuesday 06 April 2010 22:36:31 Johan Ymerson wrote:
> > I have tested on 3 PC's with Windows XP, all 3 show the same problem, at
> > almost 100% of my connection attempts. OpenVPN 2.0.9 does not have this
> > issue (ie. reverting back to 2.0.9 on the same machines with the same
> > config never show the problem).
> We also tried 2.0.9 but were able to reproduce the bug with it as well, so it
> has nothing to do with the openvpn driver version involved. I came to the
> conclusion that it's rather some kind of race condition in the Windows XP DNS
> resolver. At least I haven't seen this problem on Vista or 7 personally.

Then I don't think we see the same problem. We have been using 2.0.9 on ~100 
machines for a couple of years now without these problems. We upgraded 3 of 
them to 2.1.1, and they all instantly got this problem. We downgraded them to 
2.0.9, and all problems gone. Then started switching between 2.0.9
and 2.1_rcX to determine when this problem started, but all 2.1_rcX seems to 
suffer from it, but 2.0.9 does _not_! So something must have changed between 
2.0.9 and 2.1 that at least makes this a lot worse.


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