On Wednesday 07 April 2010 13:52:22 Jan Just Keijser wrote:
> > We've contacted Microsoft tech support about this issue. If anything
> > like a
> > fix comes out of that I'll post an update here. If not we'll have to
> > consider
> > a workaround of some kind, but let's wait with that discussion until
> > we're
> > sure it's not fixable the right way.
> isn't
>   ipconfig /flushdns

No, that doesn't do it.

> or
>   net stop dnscache
>   net start dnscache

That works as well as `ipconfig /renew`. Even `ipconfig /registerdns` helps 
because it does an implicit /renew.

> enough? This might be related to
>  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311218

Sadly it's not. Seems to have effect on MS RAS protocols only. PPTP and L2TP 
get their DNS settings via PPP IPCP, so it's kind of clear that this fix does 
not apply to the ones from openvpn via DHCP.

> I've recommended to people on the -users list to use an 'up' script with
>   net stop dnscache
>   net start dnscache
> this has worked in 99% of the cases.

True, but it's not the solution I'm looking for, but a rather high level 

Heiko Hund | Software Engineer | Phone +49-721-25516-237 | Fax -200
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