Hi Eike,

Eike Lohmann wrote:
We are working with static assignments and if the 2 networks are side by
side I can recompile the code and define a larger mask.
Is this also working if I have 2 networks far away from each other (10.x
and 192.168.x), with defining a 'all your base belong to us' netmask in
the code e.g. :)

We don't have client-2-client and didn't use the ifconfig-pool.

if you're not using ifconfig-pool then you can do this without recompiling anything; use a 'learn-addr' script or 'client-connect' script to assign addresses and do NOT use the 'server' statement (see my previous posting).



Am 01.09.2010 10:22, schrieb Gert Doering:
Well, this really depends on what you want to do with it.  If you want
to do static assignments (ifconfig-push in ccd/ or via radius-plugin),
this can be done today. If you want the ifconfig-pool to span two different networks, this can not be done today - there can only be one pool, and it must be contiguous.

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