Look at the date.... Since ~2007 we are discussing modular.
It is so needed... :)
Better later than ever...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alon Bar-Lev <alon.bar...@gmail.com>
List-Post: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [openvpn] cross compile
To: James Yonan <j...@yonan.net>

Silent again... :)
So there must be something else wrong.
I think that the System of nsis can be replaced with a simple
program/script/file detection.
And I don't know if to convert the DDK build environment to mingw will
be the best think to do, although it is very interesting to do
that :)

So I thought I will raise another idea you won't like...
Why won't you package the easy-rsa and tap in separate packages,
maintaining them with their own versions?
I recommend people to use easy-rsa... But they don't with
to/understand why install OpenVPN.
Also co-linux uses the tap implementation...

I don't mean all component should not be under the same installer...
But maintained as separate components, each have its own installer.

Best Regards,
Alon Bar-Lev.

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 3:52 PM, David Sommerseth
<openvpn.l...@topphemmelig.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 13/09/10 21:15, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:
>>> autotools is absolutely alien in Windows, and to be honest a bit of a
>>> hassle to set up if you're already a VS wizard.
>> In OpenVPN upstream provides binaries using mingw anyway.
>> So there is no need to support any other environment for Windows.
>> This makes it easy.
>> Also, please keep in mind that OpenVPN is not a library... so much
>> easier to manage.
>>>> and the mixture of different projects: openvpn, tap, windows
>>>> installer, easy-rsa.
>>> How can the installer situation be improved? I want to make an NSIS
>>> installer as well, and I would quite like to keep it *within* the
>> I just saying that most users do not interested in compiling the tap
>> driver, also compiling the tap driver requires Microsoft DDK. So
>> separating the tap into its own release management would be wise... a
>> separate MSI for the TAP that can be embedded within other installers.
>> Easy-rsa has nothing to do with openvpn, it is great that it is
>> provided, but as a separate process, fix in easy-rsa should not modify
>> openvpn release
>> The same for Windows installer, a fix in Windows installer should not
>> modify openvpn version, as it has nothing to do with it.
> Alon, I completely agree with you!  And I think this is going to bite us
> harder in the future if we don't begin to think about alternatives.  So
> thank you for brining this up!
> - From my point of view, it makes not much sense to provide building
> support for other Windows platforms than mingw for the OpenVPN binary.
> And I do share your opinion about the TAP driver, as well as easy-rsa
> and Windows installer.
> Another issue which has bitten us lately is also that we needed to
> release a new OpenVPN *version* because the build scripts changed, which
> meant increasing the version number.  In this case, we should normally
> just need to update a build number on Windows and not the complete
> OpenVPN release version for all platforms.  How things are now, we even
> need to update the OpenVPN version number if we only update the Windows
> TAP driver, which is relevant for only one platform.
> My suggestion is that we first move those parts related to the Windows
> TAP driver, Windows installer and easy-rsa into separate git trees.
> Next, the Windows building scripts needs to be split up, so that there's
> a separate building process for Windows TAP driver and the OpenVPN
> binary.  As those processes *are* different, it should actually simplify
> the building process in the long run.  Then we need to come up with a
> better Windows installer process, which f.ex. can require a pre-compiled
> TAP and OpenVPN binary.
> This way, it can also be easier for people creating installers for Mac
> OSX as well, maybe even other platforms which uses their own installers.
> For those wanting to pull down everything in one go ... we can always
> look into git submodule, which can pull down several separate git trees
> in a few operations.  This might be useful for the Windows installer,
> especially to include the easy-rsa files.
> The time frame I imagine for this is when OpenVPN 2.2 is released.
> That's a reasonable time to think this through and we need to do some
> other improvements to the git tree when we release OpenVPN 2.2.  As a
> side-note, I hope we will be able to get 2.2 released within this year.
> Alon, when it comes to your patch, I've looked at it, and it looks sane
> to me.  But as I'm neither a Windows developer nor an autotools expert,
> I'll wait for an ACK from someone who can understand it better.  But
> I'll try to remember to bring it up on Thursday's developments meeting,
> unless someone ACKs it earlier.
> kind regards,
> David Sommerseth
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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> iXAAmQGl+sndowcQlqXXwDzK4Wv/xEI9
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