Lars Hupel wrote:
I'm not sure if I understand the question ; openvpn already has the
option to use http/1.1 headers using
 --http-proxy-option VERSION 1.1
which should send HTTP/1.1 type messages - doesn't that work?

The problem is that (at least Apache) rejects these requests because the
Host header is missing, so I get "Bad Request" responses.

Additionally, without Host header it's impossible to use Apache's
VirtualHost facility.


ah right, now I see... hmmm 'Host: ...' headers should not be required by a web server and with apache's Virtual Hosts you can override this using

   <VirtualHost _default_:1234>
   DocumentRoot /www/default1234

   <VirtualHost _default_:80>
   DocumentRoot /www/default80

etc but this seems like an easy patch. Perhaps someone else on the -devel list 
can comment on why it was not accepted...



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