hi all,

the openvpn 2.1 man page on script-security reads:

--script-security level [method]
This directive offers policy-level control over OpenVPN's usage of external programs and scripts. Lower level values are more restrictive, higher values are more permissive. Settings for level:

   0 -- Strictly no calling of external programs.
1 -- (Default) Only call built-in executables such as ifconfig, ip, route, or netsh.
   2 -- Allow calling of built-in executables and user-defined scripts.
3 -- Allow passwords to be passed to scripts via environmental variables (potentially unsafe).

but if I try something like
openvpn --config <serverconf> --script-security 1 --up "/sbin/ip addr show eth0"
I still get

Thu Dec 2 15:52:51 2010 /sbin/ip addr show eth0 tun0 1500 1541 init Thu Dec 2 15:52:51 2010 openvpn_execve: external program may not be called unless '--script-security 2' or higher is enabled. Use '--script-security 3 system' for backward compatibility with 2.1_rc8 and earlier. See --help text or man page for detailed info.
Thu Dec  2 15:52:51 2010 script failed: external program fork failed
Thu Dec  2 15:52:51 2010 Exiting

what _IS_ the list of built-in executables? I cannot find it in the source code either.



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