Hi David,

David Sommerseth wrote:
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On 02/12/10 15:53, Jan Just Keijser wrote:
hi all,

the openvpn 2.1 man page on script-security reads:

--script-security level [method]
This directive offers policy-level control over OpenVPN's usage of external programs and scripts. Lower level values are more restrictive, higher values are more permissive. Settings for level:

    0 -- Strictly no calling of external programs.
1 -- (Default) Only call built-in executables such as ifconfig, ip, route, or netsh.
    2 -- Allow calling of built-in executables and user-defined scripts.
3 -- Allow passwords to be passed to scripts via environmental variables (potentially unsafe).

but if I try something like
openvpn --config <serverconf> --script-security 1 --up "/sbin/ip addr show eth0"
I still get

Thu Dec 2 15:52:51 2010 /sbin/ip addr show eth0 tun0 1500 1541 init Thu Dec 2 15:52:51 2010 openvpn_execve: external program may not be called unless '--script-security 2' or higher is enabled. Use '--script-security 3 system' for backward compatibility with 2.1_rc8 and earlier. See --help text or man page for detailed info.
Thu Dec  2 15:52:51 2010 script failed: external program fork failed
Thu Dec  2 15:52:51 2010 Exiting

what _IS_ the list of built-in executables? I cannot find it in the source code either.

My understanding of it is executables which are executed by the C code,
like the programs mentioned.  That further means that no external script
hooks may be used, like --up, --down, --route-up, etc, etc.

You need --script-security 2 to enable the script hooks, which will
enable the execve() code path for these hooks.  And if
'--script-security 2 system' is set, it will use system() instead of
execve() to execute the scripts.

If --script-security 0 is used, the execve() calls will be completely

For Linux, I believe the list of "built-ins" are ip, ifconfig, netstat
and route.  I'm not sure about the Windows side.

thanks for the clarification! and indeed, when running
 openvpn --config <serverconf> --script-security 0
openvpn even refuses to start (on Linux) as it is not capable of assigning an IP address to the tun/tap interface... I guess the only platform on which '--script-security 0' can do something useful is Windows, as the IPAPI calls are "internal", that is, they do not require an execve() to initialize things like adapters and routes.

hmmmm, come to think of it: wouldn't this be a nice feature on Linux/Mac OS too, i.e. bring up the tun/tap interface programmatically instead of using an external binary? I am not sure how portable it would be though.



PS yes this will go into "the book" ;-)

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