Hi James,

2012/2/8 James Ring <s...@jdns.org>:
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Gert Doering <g...@greenie.muc.de> wrote:
>> Exactly.  The first three things are sort of "nearly done", the
>> "receive file descriptor to use for tun/tap" would need to be
>> implemented (tun.c, open_tun(), #ifdef ANDROID_MAGIC_VPN :-) )
> I was thinking about this a little more. Presumably openvpn will be
> forked and exec'd before the file descriptor is available. Presumably
> openvpn could connect to a UNIX domain socket inside open_tun() if
> ANDROID_MAGIC_VPN is specified.
> Does other code within openvpn care whether the fd is a UNIX socket or
> a tun/tap device? I'm guessing there may be some ioctls it wants to
> perform on the device. Other than that, openvpn would be reading and
> writing IP packets with an encrypted payload and the Java wrapper
> would be responsible for forwarding the bytes between the UNIX domain
> socket and the actual tun device.

Unless Android's Linux is stripped down in this respect, you can pass
file descriptors over UNIX domain sockets. (The first google hit is
[0]. The interface isn't beautiful, but it works nicely.)

This would allow you to take the java wrapper out of the loop as far
as the raw data shuffling is concerned.


0: http://www.lst.de/~okir/blackhats/node121.html

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