Am 02.03.12 00:05, schrieb Arne Schwabe:

... and for the rest, well, we'd need a volunteer that wants to
*work* on
this, not just ask for it...  I don't have an Android device (and no
time) so it wouldn't be me.
I'm raising my hand. This path sounds better than what I thought would
be necessary (writing OpenVPN client implementation in Java). I'm also
asking around here at Google to see if somebody with more experience
with Android is interested in helping out. I'm sure there is
sufficient interest on both sides (Android and OpenVPN) to get
something working. This would make a niche segment of Android users
very happy I'm sure.

Are you already actively working on this? Otherwise I would start
working on the feature. I have already some experience with the
android sdk and ndk. I think I would solve the problem of fd passing
and so on by turning openvpn into a JNI library.

I have managed to hack a proof of concept together. (Screen shot here:

The core VPN functionality already works. What needs to be done is proper error handling and configuration, espically integeration of Androids certificate Managment).


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