Signed-off-by: Alon Bar-Lev <>
 OpenVPN GUI ReadMe.txt |  462 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-)

diff --git a/OpenVPN GUI ReadMe.txt b/OpenVPN GUI ReadMe.txt
index f650357..323361b 100644
--- a/OpenVPN GUI ReadMe.txt    
+++ b/OpenVPN GUI ReadMe.txt    
@@ -1,231 +1,231 @@
-Installation Instructions for OpenVPN GUI for Windows
-You can either get my installation package for OpenVPN 2.0.X where I've
-bundled the gui in the installation package, or you can use the original
-installation package from OpenVPN, and then manually install OpenVPN GUI.
-Installation using the bundled OpenVPN package with OpenVPN GUI included
-* Download openvpn-2.0.X-gui-1.0.X-install.exe from 
-* If you have a previous version of OpenVPN GUI installed, shut it down.
-  Make sure it's closed by ALL logged on users.
-* Run the install program. During the installation you can choose if the GUI
-  should be started automatically at system startup. The default is yes.
-* Create a xxxx.ovpn config-file with your favorite texteditor and save it in:
-  C:\Program files\OpenVPN\config\. You should NOT use the "log" or 
-  options as OpenVPN GUI redirect the normal output to a log file itself. 
-  There is a sample config files in the "sample-config" folder. Please
-  refer to the OpenVPN project homepage for more information regarding 
-  creating the configuration file.
-Manual installation of OpenVPN GUI
-* Download and install OpenVPN from
-* Download openvpn-gui-1.0.X.exe and save it in OpenVPN's bin folder.
-  Default is "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\". You must put it in this folder
-  because OpenVPN GUI depends on the OpenSSL DLLs installed in this folder by
-  OpenVPN.
-* Create a xxxx.ovpn config-file with your favorite texteditor and save it in:
-  C:\Program files\OpenVPN\config\. You should NOT use the "log" or 
-  options as OpenVPN GUI redirect the normal output to a log file itself. 
-  There is a sample config files in the "sample-config" folder. Please
-  refer to the OpenVPN project homepage for more information regarding 
-  creating the configuration file.
-* Put a short-cut to openvpn-gui-1.0-X.exe in your 
-  "Start->All Program->StartUp" folder if you want the gui started 
-  when you logon to Windows.
-* Start the GUI by double-clicking the openvpn-gui-1.0.X.exe file.
-*** You need to be Administrator the first time you run OpenVPN GUI for it to
-    create its registry keys. After that you don't have to be administrator
-    just to run the GUI, however OpenVPN requires the user to be
-    administrator to run! ***
-Using OpenVPN GUI
-When OpenVPN GUI is started your config folder (C:\Program 
-will be scanned for .ovpn files, and an icon will be displayed in the taskbar's
-status area.
-If you do not have any openvpn connection running, the config dir will be
-re-scanned for new config files every time you open the OpenVPN GUI menu by
-right-clicking the icon.
-When you choose to connect to a site OpenVPN GUI will launch openvpn with
-the specified config file. If you use a passphrase protected key you will be
-prompted for the passphrase.
-If you want OpenVPN GUI to start a connection automatically when it's started,
-you can use the --connect cmd-line option. You have to include the extention
-for the config file. Example:
-openvpn-gui --connect office.ovpn
-Run OpenVPN GUI as a Non-Admin user
-OpenVPN currently does not work as a normal (non-admin) user. OpenVPN GUI
-2.0 will solve this by using an enhanced version of the OpenVPN service
-to start and stop openvpn processes.
-In the mean time, it is possible to use OpenVPN GUI to control the current
-OpenVPN Service to start and stop a connection.
-To use OpenVPN GUI to control the OpenVPN service, set the registry value
-"service_only" to '1'. See the section about registry values below.
-Limitations with this way:
-  There is no way for OpenVPN GUI ta hand over a password to the service
-  wrapper, so you can't use passphrase protected private keys or 
-  username/password authentication.
-  If you have multiple openvpn configurations, all will be started and
-  stopped at the same time.
-  OpenVPN GUI is not able to retrieve any status info about the connections
-  from OpenVPN, so it will report connected as soon as the service is
-  started regarless of if OpenVPN has really succeded to connect or not.
-  You cannot see the OpenVPN log in real-time.
-Run Connect/Disconnect/Preconnect Scripts
-There are three diffrent scripts that OpenVPN GUI can execute to help
-with diffrent tasks like mapping network drives.
-Preconnect  If a file named "xxx_pre.bat" exist in the config folder
-            where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
-            this will be executed BEFORE the OpenVPN tunnel is established.
-Connect     If a file named "xxx_up.bat" exist in the config folder
-            where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
-            this will be executed AFTER the OpenVPN tunnel is established.
-Disconnect  If a file named "xxx_down.bat" exist in the config folder
-            where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
-            this will be executed BEFORE the OpenVPN tunnel is closed.
-Registry Values affecting the OpenVPN GUI operation
-All OpenVPN GUI reg-values are located below the following key:
-The follow keys are used to control the OpenVPN GUI
-    configuration file directory, defaults to "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config"
-    file extension on configuration files, defaults to "ovpn"
-    Time in seconds to wait for the connect script to finish. If set to 0
-    the exitcode of the script is not checked.
-    Time in seconds to wait for the disconnect script to finish. Must be a
-    value between 1-99.
-    Time in seconds to wait for the preconnect script to finish. Must be a
-    value between 1-99.
-    path to openvpn.exe, defaults to "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn.exe"
-    log file directory, defaults to "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\log"
-    if set to "0", the log file will be truncated every time you start a
-    connection. If set to "1", the log will be appended to the log file.
-    the windows priority class for each instantiated OpenVPN process, 
-    can be one of:
-        * "NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS" (default)
-    If set to "1", the Edit config menu will be showed.
-    If set to "1", the Change Password menu will be showed.
-    If set to "1", the Proxy Settings menu will be showed.
-    If set to "1", the Service control menu will be showed.
-    If set to "1", the status window with the OpenVPN log output will
-    not be showed while connecting.
-    If set to "1", OpenVPN GUI's normal "Connect" and "Disconnect"
-    actions are changed so they start/stop the OpenVPN service instead
-    of launching openvpn.exe directly.
-    If set to "0" - Never show any connected balloon.
-              "1" - Show balloon after initial connection is established.
-              "2" - Show balloon even after re-connects.
-    The program used to view your log files, defaults to
-    "C:\windows\notepad.exe"
-    The program used to edit your config files, defaults to
-    "C:\windows\notepad.exe"
-    Number of attempts to enter the passphrase to allow. 
-All these registry options is also available as cmd-line options.
-Use "openvpn-gui --help" for more info about cmd-line options.
-If you have any problem getting OpenVPN GUI to work you can reach me via
-email at
-Building OpenVPN GUI from source
-* Download and install MinGW and MSYS from
-  I'm using MinGW-3.2.0-rc-3 and MSYS-1.0.10.
-* Download and install the binary distribution of OpenSSL from
-* Download and extract the OpenVPN GUI source archive.
-* Start a bash shell by running msys.bat.
-* Run "make" from the OpenVPN GUI source directory. 
+Installation Instructions for OpenVPN GUI for Windows
+You can either get my installation package for OpenVPN 2.0.X where I've
+bundled the gui in the installation package, or you can use the original
+installation package from OpenVPN, and then manually install OpenVPN GUI.
+Installation using the bundled OpenVPN package with OpenVPN GUI included
+* Download openvpn-2.0.X-gui-1.0.X-install.exe from 
+* If you have a previous version of OpenVPN GUI installed, shut it down.
+  Make sure it's closed by ALL logged on users.
+* Run the install program. During the installation you can choose if the GUI
+  should be started automatically at system startup. The default is yes.
+* Create a xxxx.ovpn config-file with your favorite texteditor and save it in:
+  C:\Program files\OpenVPN\config\. You should NOT use the "log" or 
+  options as OpenVPN GUI redirect the normal output to a log file itself. 
+  There is a sample config files in the "sample-config" folder. Please
+  refer to the OpenVPN project homepage for more information regarding 
+  creating the configuration file.
+Manual installation of OpenVPN GUI
+* Download and install OpenVPN from
+* Download openvpn-gui-1.0.X.exe and save it in OpenVPN's bin folder.
+  Default is "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\". You must put it in this folder
+  because OpenVPN GUI depends on the OpenSSL DLLs installed in this folder by
+  OpenVPN.
+* Create a xxxx.ovpn config-file with your favorite texteditor and save it in:
+  C:\Program files\OpenVPN\config\. You should NOT use the "log" or 
+  options as OpenVPN GUI redirect the normal output to a log file itself. 
+  There is a sample config files in the "sample-config" folder. Please
+  refer to the OpenVPN project homepage for more information regarding 
+  creating the configuration file.
+* Put a short-cut to openvpn-gui-1.0-X.exe in your 
+  "Start->All Program->StartUp" folder if you want the gui started 
+  when you logon to Windows.
+* Start the GUI by double-clicking the openvpn-gui-1.0.X.exe file.
+*** You need to be Administrator the first time you run OpenVPN GUI for it to
+    create its registry keys. After that you don't have to be administrator
+    just to run the GUI, however OpenVPN requires the user to be
+    administrator to run! ***
+Using OpenVPN GUI
+When OpenVPN GUI is started your config folder (C:\Program 
+will be scanned for .ovpn files, and an icon will be displayed in the taskbar's
+status area.
+If you do not have any openvpn connection running, the config dir will be
+re-scanned for new config files every time you open the OpenVPN GUI menu by
+right-clicking the icon.
+When you choose to connect to a site OpenVPN GUI will launch openvpn with
+the specified config file. If you use a passphrase protected key you will be
+prompted for the passphrase.
+If you want OpenVPN GUI to start a connection automatically when it's started,
+you can use the --connect cmd-line option. You have to include the extention
+for the config file. Example:
+openvpn-gui --connect office.ovpn
+Run OpenVPN GUI as a Non-Admin user
+OpenVPN currently does not work as a normal (non-admin) user. OpenVPN GUI
+2.0 will solve this by using an enhanced version of the OpenVPN service
+to start and stop openvpn processes.
+In the mean time, it is possible to use OpenVPN GUI to control the current
+OpenVPN Service to start and stop a connection.
+To use OpenVPN GUI to control the OpenVPN service, set the registry value
+"service_only" to '1'. See the section about registry values below.
+Limitations with this way:
+  There is no way for OpenVPN GUI ta hand over a password to the service
+  wrapper, so you can't use passphrase protected private keys or 
+  username/password authentication.
+  If you have multiple openvpn configurations, all will be started and
+  stopped at the same time.
+  OpenVPN GUI is not able to retrieve any status info about the connections
+  from OpenVPN, so it will report connected as soon as the service is
+  started regarless of if OpenVPN has really succeded to connect or not.
+  You cannot see the OpenVPN log in real-time.
+Run Connect/Disconnect/Preconnect Scripts
+There are three diffrent scripts that OpenVPN GUI can execute to help
+with diffrent tasks like mapping network drives.
+Preconnect  If a file named "xxx_pre.bat" exist in the config folder
+            where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
+            this will be executed BEFORE the OpenVPN tunnel is established.
+Connect     If a file named "xxx_up.bat" exist in the config folder
+            where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
+            this will be executed AFTER the OpenVPN tunnel is established.
+Disconnect  If a file named "xxx_down.bat" exist in the config folder
+            where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
+            this will be executed BEFORE the OpenVPN tunnel is closed.
+Registry Values affecting the OpenVPN GUI operation
+All OpenVPN GUI reg-values are located below the following key:
+The follow keys are used to control the OpenVPN GUI
+    configuration file directory, defaults to "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config"
+    file extension on configuration files, defaults to "ovpn"
+    Time in seconds to wait for the connect script to finish. If set to 0
+    the exitcode of the script is not checked.
+    Time in seconds to wait for the disconnect script to finish. Must be a
+    value between 1-99.
+    Time in seconds to wait for the preconnect script to finish. Must be a
+    value between 1-99.
+    path to openvpn.exe, defaults to "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn.exe"
+    log file directory, defaults to "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\log"
+    if set to "0", the log file will be truncated every time you start a
+    connection. If set to "1", the log will be appended to the log file.
+    the windows priority class for each instantiated OpenVPN process, 
+    can be one of:
+        * "NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS" (default)
+    If set to "1", the Edit config menu will be showed.
+    If set to "1", the Change Password menu will be showed.
+    If set to "1", the Proxy Settings menu will be showed.
+    If set to "1", the Service control menu will be showed.
+    If set to "1", the status window with the OpenVPN log output will
+    not be showed while connecting.
+    If set to "1", OpenVPN GUI's normal "Connect" and "Disconnect"
+    actions are changed so they start/stop the OpenVPN service instead
+    of launching openvpn.exe directly.
+    If set to "0" - Never show any connected balloon.
+              "1" - Show balloon after initial connection is established.
+              "2" - Show balloon even after re-connects.
+    The program used to view your log files, defaults to
+    "C:\windows\notepad.exe"
+    The program used to edit your config files, defaults to
+    "C:\windows\notepad.exe"
+    Number of attempts to enter the passphrase to allow. 
+All these registry options is also available as cmd-line options.
+Use "openvpn-gui --help" for more info about cmd-line options.
+If you have any problem getting OpenVPN GUI to work you can reach me via
+email at
+Building OpenVPN GUI from source
+* Download and install MinGW and MSYS from
+  I'm using MinGW-3.2.0-rc-3 and MSYS-1.0.10.
+* Download and install the binary distribution of OpenSSL from
+* Download and extract the OpenVPN GUI source archive.
+* Start a bash shell by running msys.bat.
+* Run "make" from the OpenVPN GUI source directory. 

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