On 1/17/2013 4:34 PM, Gert Doering wrote:
>> I was following the directions at 
>> https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/BuildingUsingGenericBuildsystem#Checkingoutopenvpn-buildrepository
> On what platform did you build, and for which target?  Which git
> repository was checked out, and which branch?

I think the issue is that the source codes that is downloaded in the
above URL through the git clone, does not grab 2.3, but a snapshot
from 6 months ago.  I am cross building on Fedora, AMD64.

%git clone https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-build.git
% cd openvpn-build/generic
% IMAGEROOT=`pwd`/image-win32 CHOST=i686-w64-mingw32 \
    CBUILD=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ./build

Will build just fine, but the older version.

There also needs some manual fetching of files as URLs are out of date
for pkcs
FATAL: Cannot download
FATAL: Cannot download

If I make the following changes, I get the newer version built.
manually fetch
into the openvpn-build/generic/sources
Get rid of the 2.3_master.tar.gz file
change the build.vars
--- build.vars.prev     2013-01-17 16:56:06.356577031 -0500
+++ build.vars  2013-01-17 16:56:21.970578237 -0500
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@


and that builds the latest release.


Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications, m...@sentex.net
Providing Internet services since 1994 www.sentex.net
Cambridge, Ontario Canada   http://www.tancsa.com/

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