> Am 30.11.13 12:50, schrieb Илья Шипицин:
>> I had look at "NDIS 5.1 to NDIS 6.0 migration guide", looks easy
>> enough, I hope to give a try soon.
>> also, it is possibility to run tap-driver on WinRT, there's still no
>> openvpn for WinRT devices, right ?
> Nobody has yet looked into what requirement apps/drivers for Windows RT
> have and If openvpn fulfils the requirement or can be changed to these
> requirements.
> Arne
I probably forgot to mention that James is starting work on the NDIS 5
to NDIS 6 migration very soon. I will make sure he knows there are
others who want to participate in that fascinating project :). We will
also need people who are ok with a few BSODs while they test the
upcoming alpha/beta -quality NDIS 6 drivers.

In the worst case Microsoft drops NDIS 5 support in Windows 8.2, which
according to some rumours is to be released January next year.

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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