Am 30.12.13 16:10, schrieb Heikki Hannikainen:
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:43 PM, André Valentin <> wrote:
>> On 23.12.2013 12:32, Gert Doering wrote:
>>> We've discussed the patch on the Munich Hackathon, and we intend to do
>>> it in a different way.  James wants to change the packet format for
>>> data packets anyway (due to bad alignment in the current packet format),
>>> and the new format would have the option to send the session ID in the
>>> data packet as well, like "normally it's not sent, but if we have't heard
>>> from the server longer than <x> time units, send a session ID so that
>>> hmac-float will work".
>> Of course, this is a better idea and should have less problems with scaling.
>> But there should be an option for the client to always send the session id,
>> so that there are no timeouts if the user decides to do so.
> +1 to that - it'd be really neat if floating would work seamlessly
> without timeouts + retransmissions. It'd be very useful on mobile
> devices, which often get hit by NAT timeouts on UDP (around 30 or 60
> seconds typically), switches between WIFI and 3G, and keepalive pings
> with tight timers (sub-30-second range) consume a lot of battery.
> The regular SSL session ID is maybe a bit long to be sent with each
> and every packet, though.
> Which other enhancements to the packet format are necessary? I
> gathered that the encrypted data needs to be aligned for AES-NI to
> work, which probably means that either the packet headers need to be
> padded so that the data starts on a nice word boundary, or that the
> data packet needs to begin with the encrypted data and all the headers
> need to be placed in the end of the packet. Right?
Compression does a bit different to achieve compatiblity. The first byte
has flag bit that says "The last byte is actually the first" and openvpn
will then overwrite the first byte with the last after evaluating the
header byte.

The AES-NI instruction are SEE instructions and work on the XMM
registers (and not directly on memory), so aligingment is not an issue
for AES-NI instructions itself but unaligned load/stores are always slowers.
> And then some backwards compatibility in the handshake - it'd be good
> if old clients could optionally be allowed on new servers using the
> new packet format.
>>> This code has not been written yet, though, and we have no specific
>>> timelines when it will happen.
>> So what does this mean for my work and the current format? Is there still
>> a possibility that it will be integrated for the 'old packet format'?
> We could also start working on the new packet format, do a prototype
> if you'd like. Just need to figure out what the exact requirements
> would be.

For negoating the packet format the client would submit something like
IV_CLNT_SUPPORT 1 or similar (look at the IV_SNAPPY, IV_LZO for
compression) to tell the server the supported format and the server
would push a packet-format 1 or something similar like that. For a first
prototype implementation having only the packet-format 1 is probably
good enough.

The basic idea for the new packet format is having a flag in the packet
saying "This is the new format" and then having the payload aligned
either in the same way as the compression. If we choose the session id
to be 3 or 7 byte we would not need the "hack" for the packets with
session id.


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