On Fri, 2016-09-30 at 10:11 +0200, Jan Just Keijser wrote:
> I'm still grappling for the "killer use case" for this - yes, it would be 
> nice to implement support on all platforms for all 
> modes, **BUT** I don't think anybody actually uses 'topology p2p' at this 
> moment (because Windows clients don't support it - 
> catch 22).
> How would client routing become easier in this case compared to 'topology 
> subnet' ?   you will still need to set some routes on 
> the client side - all of which can also be set in subnet mode.
> Also, in theory you don't have to put a client inside the server-side network 
> (/24) range in any mode - it's just a matter of 
> setting the right routing rules on both client and server, regardless of the 
> mode (net30, p2p or subnet).

It's not so much about the IP addresses you *do* want to route; it's
more about the ones you *don't*.

Let's say that for whatever reason (rehoming, connecting to another
RFC1918 network with conflicting address ranges, whatever) I have a
specific IP address like which is for use on the VPN (and
talking to selected hosts on that VPN).

On Windows, the *smallest* netmask I can use with that IP address would
be a /26. Because any narrower netmask would result in Windows refusing
to configure it — on the basis that .95 would be the *broadcast*
address for such a subnet.

So now I have a /26 and I end up routing every IP address between and onto the VPN, when some of those might
be IP addresses that I need to talk to on the *local* network.

Sure, if you have completely free choice of IP addresses, you'd choose
something else like and then you *could* have a /30 and
"only" waste three IP addresses for it. But maybe you can't. Or maybe
even those three IP addresses are IP addresses we *really* need to talk
to on the local network, not the remote.

> Finally, in view of the fact that I seem to be the only one
> responding to this thread, I'm afraid that not too many people are 
> getting enthousiastic ...

Seems that way :)

So my ulterior motive is this... I am using the TAP-Windows driver in a
way which you don't. In the TAP_IOCTL_CONFIG_TUN ioctl I basically
*ignore* the VPN netmask settings, and set both the network and mask to as I described in my first message in this thread:

Then all the VPN routes can be added as On-link routes by specifying
the interface index.

I'd be *happier* if OpenVPN had a mode that used the driver this way
too; then I wouldn't keep waking up in the night in a cold sweat,
having dreamt that you broke it and I coudn't even ship a signed driver
that makes it work again...

I was hoping that saying "hey, you can fix your p2p mode which you
document as broken on Windows for no good reason" would tempt you into
actually doing it. Maybe it'll still work if I submit a patch myself to
fix it. :)


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