Il 19/10/2016 18:17, Steffan Karger ha scritto:
> On 19 October 2016 at 17:14, Samuli Seppänen <> wrote:
>> SviMik had a very good point against using %APPDATA%: it is a hidden
>> folder. At least on Windows 7 it seems to be hidden at the filesystem
>> level, because no tools seem to see it. However, doing a
>>    cd $HOME\Appdata
>> in Powershell will work, so the directory _is_ there even though it is
>> invisble.
>> I don't think we should put the configuration files into folder people
>> will not find without extra tinkering.
> Maybe add an 'open config folder' button/link to openvpn-gui?
> -Steffan

Sounds reasonable.

The "%USERPROFILE%\Appdata" folder seems to be for "files generated by 
applications" as SviMik said:


Those links refer to Windows XP's equivalent for $HOME\Appdata, but the 
purpose of the directory has not changed afaik.

Things are complicated a bit more by the fact that the %APPDATA% 
environment variable points to %USERPROFILE%\Appdata\Roaming, not
%USERPROFILE%\Appdata as one might think.

In the first link above, MS says this:

"CSIDL_PROFILE: The user's profile folder. A typical path is 
C:\Documents and Settings\username. Applications should not create files 
or folders at this level; they should put their data under the locations 

I think the idea Microsoft thought that users should not (have to) touch 
the Appdata folder, and thus decided to hide it.

I vote for using a directory that is visible by default, at least until 
the GUI can reliably import any config thrown at it.

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

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