
On 24/10/18 13:47, Samuli Seppänen wrote:

The OpenVPN Inc. webmaster would like to add Google Analytics to
community.openvpn.net, i.e. our Trac wiki/bug tracker. I said we need to
consult the community first because GA can be seen as a form of spying.
Here's our webmaster's view on this subject:


"The goal of this would be to understand what information first-time
users are finding the most valuable on community.openvpn.net."

"As this is a publicly accessible community without the requirement to
join to read the articles, it would be advantageous for all to
understand which pieces of content the public are finding the most
useful, what encourages them to become a part of the community, and what
potentially persuaded them to use start using a commercial product."

"As openvpn.net links to community.openvpn.net and vice versa this will
also help us to understand the complete journey of a user and help to
improve the website experience, which can only be seen as a positive."


In today's community meeting there was some concern about the spying
aspect of Google Analytics, but nobody was strongly opposed. This was I
believe, in part, because it is fairly easy to block Google Analytics if
one so wishes.

just make sure to remain GDPR compliant:

- update the privacy policy to CLEARLY state that you are doing this and why:
    What information is being collected?
    Who is collecting it?
    How is it collected?
    Why is it being collected?
    How will it be used?
    Who will it be shared with?
    What will be the effect of this on the individuals concerned?
    Is the intended use likely to cause individuals to object or complain?
- this privacy policy must be presented to the user the first time {s}he access 
Trac, asking for consent
- build an opt-in/opt-out mechanism
- honor a user's GDPR right to be "forgotten" ie offer the ability to remove my 
data whenever I request it.

Having said that, my browser always blocks GA so you'll learn nothing from me ;)

but in short: do you REALLY want to go through all that trouble just to collect 
some lousy statistics?

Even shorter answer: I strongly oppose adding GA and might/will refrain from 
using OpenVPN Trac as a result.



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