Am 21.03.21 um 17:37 schrieb Simon Rozman:
> Hi,
>>> -73,14 +73,13 @@ find_function(const WCHAR *libname, const char
>> *funcname, HMODULE *m)
>>>         return NULL;
>>>      }
>>> -    size_t len = _countof(libpath) - wcslen(libpath) - 1;
>>> -    if (len < wcslen(libname) + 1)
>>> +    if (wcslen(libpath) + 1 /*\*/ + wcslen(libname) >=
>>> + _countof(libpath))
>> This random inline comment feels extremely weird.
> It's trying to describe the "+ 1" amounts for a backslash \ being strcat-ed 
> in the process below.
> Regards, Simon

I totally didn't get that. I was actually wondering why that is valid
code and why the \* doesn't escape the end of comment. I would prefer it
be either a longer inline comment or even better use a variable with a
normal comment like

/* +1 for the path seperator '\' */
size_t pathlenght = wcslen(libpath) + 1 +  wcslen(libname);


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