On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 2:14 PM, <pg0...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> > I've got an older bash script I used (before I started doing dynamic
> > routing via ospf) for a client connect script that probably does what you
> > want.  It's kind of ugly, but functional:
> >
> > #!/bin/bash
> > if [ "$script_type" = "client-connect" ]; then
> (snip)
> > exit 0
> That gets invoked from the *main* openvpn config, right?
Yes.  So, for example, I have that script at /etc/openvpn/client-connect,
then I have an entry in the main  openvpn config that says "client-connect

> > If you add in something like "cat /etc/openvpn/ccd/$common_name > $1" to
> > the end, you can remove the client-config-dir directive from your main
> > config
> Ah, so it replaces ccd/*

It *can* replace the client-config-dir directive (or be used alongside it).
 You'll note that in my script, I'm using the files in ccd/*.  Now, it
doesn't *have* to do that, it could be a huge obnoxious script with a bunch
of  'elif [ "$common_name" = "foo" ]; then ..., or it could tie into a
database where you keep all your configuration data, or it could be just '.
/etc/openvpn/up-scripts/$common_name' (note that I'm not actually
*suggesting* that you do any of these things, I'm just saying that you

> TBH, I appreciate the ccd/* metaphor.  It's very clean and tidy.  And very
> nicely portable.  It'd ReallyNiceToHave(tm) the ability/option to "do it
> all", per client, in each client's ccd/*.  Still not sure if it's doable,
> and/or of it entails much more than a client-connect-script capability --
> in effect, an "up script", in ccd/*.
> > and just to give a bit of history on why *I* did this
> Noted ...
> > ospf
> Know of it.  Never used it.  Think it's vast overkill for my need.  Watch
> now -- I've jinxed it :-/

It is overkill for your need.  The point at which you need it is really
when you start having routing that changes dynamically across more than a
single system.

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