* Stella Ashburne <rewe...@gmx.com>:
> Hi
> Below is a partial log after my machine has connected successfully to my VPN 
> provider's server:
> 2021-11-20 09:18:08 us=74921 Outgoing Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' 
> initialized with 256 bit key
> 2021-11-20 09:18:08 us=74956 Incoming Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' 
> initialized with 256 bit key
> 2021-11-20 09:18:08 us=75010 net_route_v4_best_gw query: dst
> 2021-11-20 09:18:08 us=75225 net_route_v4_best_gw result: via dev 
> enp850kd
> 2021-11-20 09:18:08 us=75299 ROUTE_GATEWAY 
> IFACE=enp850kd HWADDR=25:d3:a1:0e:6c:13
> Am I correct to say that my VPN provider can store personally identifiable 
> information such as IFACE and HWADDR to fingerprint me?

No. It's merely in your log.
> To mitigate the fingerprinting, is it possible to prevent the details of 
> IFACE and HWADDR from being transmitted to my VPN provider?

It's not transmitted. On my server's log:

# egrep "(IFACE|HWADDR)" /var/log/syslog /var/log/daemon.log

BUT if you care about fingerprinting, check the IV_* variables, example:

ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_VER=3.git::58b92569
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_PLAT=ios
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_NCP=2
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_TCPNL=1
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_PROTO=2
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_LZO_STUB=1
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_COMP_STUB=1
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_COMP_STUBv2=1
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_GUI_VER=net.openvpn.connect.ios_3.2.3-3760
ip.add.re.ss:49786 peer info: IV_SSO=openurl

Ralf Hildebrandt
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk

Campus Benjamin Franklin (CBF)
Haus I | 1. OG | Raum 105
Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 450 570 155

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