On Wed, 22 Jun 2022 18:32:59 -0400, Nathan Stratton Treadway
<natha...@ontko.com> wrote:

>So now my guess is that you had an apt sources.list entry pointing to
>the build.openvpn.net repo back in your Xenial days, which then probably
>got disabled by the Ubuntu release-upgrade process (and thus apt no
>longer suggests newer versions of the OpenVPN package from that repo).

I opened the /etc/apt/sources.list file on my server and searched for the word
openvpn but it found no hit...
But I do not know if that is the correct word to search for to get the entry
that might have been a custom entry on 18.04...

When I make a release upgrade (as suggested when logging on to the system via
ssh) like I did from 18.04 to get to 20.04 does the process make a backup of the
apt sources file or does it simply just remove the external locations?

I found a file /etc/apt/sources.list.save but that too does not contain any
trace of the word openvpn.
That file is listing "bionic" in all places where the current file lists "focal"

>Anyway, at this point I think your choices now (when you are back home)
>are either to manually switch to the current Ubuntu-provided package (as
>discussed in the earlier emails), or to re-enable the build.openvpn.net
>repo (switching to their Focal release) and then upgrade to the newer
>package currently provided there.  But presumably one way or the other
>you will want to upgrade away from 2.4.7-xenial0...

I will probably need very detailed instructions for that since I am not used to
do anything other than:
  apt update  && apt full-upgrade -y
on my systems...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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