On 20/02/2023 04:43, Stella Ashburne wrote:

For your information, I shall use version 2.6.0 on Microsoft Windows 11 and 
version 2.5.9 on Debian 11.6.0. The Linux DCO package for Debian is available 
only for the Testing branch (a.k.a. the future Debian 12). I noticed that the 
official repositories of Fedora 37 do not have the Linux DCO package as well.

Fedora/Fedora EPEL package maintainer for OpenVPN here.

I have no hope for getting the DCO module into mainstream Fedora repositories before the ovpn kernel module hits the mainstream Linux kernel. This is a packaging policy by the Fedora Project. There might be some exceptions, but they are really few and more special than what I would expect OpenVPN's situation to be.

What *does* exist is a Fedora Copr repository which I am maintaining as well, where this kernel module is available.

     yum copr enable dsommers/openvpn3
     yum install kmod-ovpn-dco

The reasons it is in this repository is that the OpenVPN 3 Linux project was the first Linux implementation with ovpn-dco support. To avoid complicating things further for existing users of this package, I'm probably going to keep the ovpn-dco kernel module in this repository.

Further information can be found here: <https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/dsommers/openvpn3/>

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Inc

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