>On 30/08/2023 07:45, Jason Long via Openvpn-users wrote:
> Hello,
> I configured OpenVPN to use the username and password for authentication, but 
> I need to have the "ca.crt", "cert server.crt", "server.key" and "dh.pem" 
> certificates.

>There are 2 sets of certificates and keys.

>* Server side: Uses ca.crt, server.crt, server.key and dh.pem

>* Client side: Uses ca.crt, client.crt and client.key

>The difference between these certificates and keys are very important to 
>have a clear understanding of.  Each certificate provides an identity of 
>the server or client and should be unique per host and user.

> So, what's the advantage of using this authentication method when I still 
> need to use these keys?

>Certificate based authentication is quite strong.  And in many cases, 
>that is more than enough.  OpenVPN can also be configured to not use 
>client certificates, in this case username/password authentication is 
>mandatory.  For such setups, the client side only needs the ca.crt (to 
>verify the identity of the VPN server).

>Or you can combine certificate with username/password authentication. 
>This can be used if you want to grant different access to the network(s) 
>behind the VPN server depending on which device a user is connecting from.

>And there is another aspect as well.  Some deployments let both 
>gateway/routers connect to a VPN server as well as individual users.  In 
>this case, those gateway/router hosts will NOT use username/password - 
>only certificates.  While the individual end-users might do only 
>username/password authentication.

>Which approach to use, depends entirely on your own networks need and 
>the threat model you operate under.  There is no "X is better than Y" 
>scenario in this case; it depends entirely on your own security needs.

>kind regards,

>David Sommerseth
>OpenVPN Inc

Thank you so much for your reply.
As I understand, The "ca.crt" and "ta.crt" keys are mandatory. I disabled the 
"ta.crt" in Client.ovpn file and I got the following error:

Wed Aug 30 17:36:57 2023 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 
60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
Wed Aug 30 17:36:57 2023 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed

Why the following files must exist in the server.conf file, when the client 
using the username and password authentication method?

cert server.crt
key server.key                            
dh dh.pem

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