On Sat, 13 Jan 2024 12:56:41 +0100, Gert Doering <g...@greenie.muc.de> wrote:

>On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 07:35:13PM +0000, Peter Davis wrote:
>>> Abandon that thought. We've been here before: you need unique keys per
>>> user, everything else will just make your life painful and miserable.
>> If each user has their own key, then there should be a Client.conf file for 
>> each user, 
>> which itself contains a unique IP address, a unique port and a unique TUN. 
>> For example, 
>> for 100 users, there are 100 configuration files, 100 IP addresses, 100 open 
>> ports and
>> 100 TUNs.
>OpenVPN Server is point-to-multipoint, so a single server can easily
>handle 1000s of clients.
>You need a unique key+cert per client, which form a unique client config
>(everything *not* key/cert related stays the same, though).  Nothing else
>needs to be maintained per-client, the server will do that all for you.

And I would say the *simplest* way to block a single or multiple clients is to
use the ccd (client config dir) functionality on the server.

For any client to be locked out just create a file inside that directory named
as the CommonName of the client (these CN:s have to be unique of course) with
this content:

sudo nano etc/openvpn/ccd/ClientName

Enter this:

#This client is blocked from connecting

Now upon connect the client is immediately rejected. No need for any
cryptographic mumbo-jumbo, it just works....

Config in the /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf file to enable its use is this
single line:

client-config-dir /etc/openvpn/ccd

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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