On 24.02.24 11:35, Peter Davis via Openvpn-users wrote:
If you use OpenVPN to access the Internet of another country, then
receiving data is usually more than sending it, and this traffic is
considered suspicious and blocked. Is there a way to send fake data?

Since the VPN layer supposedly hides all details of the traffic transported, *any* traffic you send out that doesn't cause much traffic back would do that.

However, outgoing traffic that does not cause *any* traffic back (like when sending into a blackhole or against a DROP rule) would IMHO look just as suspicious, and very *small* reply packets (like RSTs, FINs or ICMP when you knock on a REJECT rule) would too. And when you get above *that*, whoever runs the receiving server is likely to consider your traffic abusive.

"discard" servers (TCP+UDP port 9) have pretty much died out these days, some sort of file upload service would probably fit the bill best. You still shouldn't upload the same file over and over, or in regular intervals, though, if you want to fool the national censors.

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH

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