On 26.02.24 13:14, Peter Davis wrote:
Is there really no way to hide?

Let me put it like this: You're trying to evade nation-level censors. Those are *humans*, which has consequences: They might be (collectively) smarter than you, they're quite likely more experienced than you, they obviously see some incentive in hunting down people like you, and even if you manage to evade them today, it's entirely unclear whether the same methods will succeed tomorrow (and whether getting caught is something that you can afford happening every once in a while, or rather a "game over" scenario). That's fundamentally different from working around some technical snag, and if I were in that situation, I'd be wary of taking advice from *this* (technical) mailinglist at face value, as there seem to be rather few people on it who have actual experience with all-out *hiding* their VPNs.

(Also, the capabilities of nation-level censors vary with the nation in question, and you have never mentioned - maybe for good reason - *which* nation we're talking about ...)

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH

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