On 28.02.24 14:31, Bo Berglund wrote:
I am running *all* openvpn scripts from within /etc/openvpn/scripts and I use
the *full path* to the scripts in the conf files calls.

I also keep all of the custom logs (as defined in the conf file) below
/etc/openvpn/log, which is also perfectly accessile by tye openvpn service.

I can for the life of me not understan why someone is hell bent on complicating
the issues here by wandering around in circles in all kinds of strange locations

Well, that falls under "gotta know *your* systems", I suppose.

If the system in question were Red-Hat-ish with SELinux (it isn't, according to the OP), it would probably refuse your logfile placement:

# egrep 'openvpn_(var_log|unc)' 
/var/log/openvpn.*      system_u:object_r:openvpn_var_log_t:s0

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH

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