On 03.04.24 11:31, Ralf Hildebrandt via Openvpn-users wrote:
We're using DNS Round-robin-records with a TTL of 300s for our openvpn
endpoint servers.

Yet, clients seem to reconnect to the same IP, although the DNS entry
has expired; the log usually shows something like:

2024-02-21 11:37:04 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: 

Yes, it makes perfect sense to re-use a known IP, especially in the
VPN context (DNS settings might just be off while dropping out of the
VPN etc.), but this does really clash with our intentionally low TTL -
at least when we're removeing one endpoint from the DNS for maintenance.

I shall assume that your question is "how do I tell the client *not* to try sticking to the last IP used?". ;-)

I don't see such an option in the docs (for 2.6, to be precise), but let me ask a question for clarification: Does your setup answer requests to a now-disabled IP with some explicit denial (ICMP UNREACHABLE, RST, whatever), in which case I'd be surprised if the client takes more than a second or two to give up on the old server, or are we talking about one or more minute-or-so timeout delays?

If the latter, would it be possible to extend your going-down-for-maintenance routines so as to tell some firewall to generate such denial packets?

On 03.04.24 12:40, Marek Zarychta via Openvpn-users wrote:
in your case setting "explicit-exit-notify 2" on the servers should solve the 

... as long as the VPNs are running in UDP mode, and the server goes through an *orderly* shutdown ...

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH

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