Hey all,

I have extracted the code of the GIS prototype I have been working on in 
this reusable django-app: https://github.com/openwisp/django-loci - which 
is unreleased yet but you can play with it.

The rationale is very similar to the one I used in django-x509 
<https://github.com/openwisp/django-x509>: extract features that may be 
helpful to other people and companies in order to bring more contributors 
in the community, even if they don't use or care about openwisp, they will 
care about maintaining and improving the module they use and this is 
already happening with django-x509, for example, a few weeks ago a bug in 
the new version of OpenSSL was discovered 
<https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/4710> thanks to a bug report in 
django-x509 <https://github.com/openwisp/django-x509/issues/14>.

So far the results I have achieved with this strategy have been paying off 
so I just wanted to inform the readers of this list that I will keep 
working in this direction until we have all the base modules released and 
integrated in OpenWISP 2. The remaining modules that are on my roadmap are:

- Freeradius web interface (we have a good base 
here https://github.com/openwisp/django-freeradius)
- Monitoring & Alerting
- Firmware upgrades

Plus I would really like to improve the two experimental configuration 
backends for AirOS and Raspbian so that they can be used in production 
systems, that would be a GREAT accomplishment, but I won't be able to do it 
without contributions from the community because I'm already too busy with 
the previous points.

I also welcome proposals for new modules and features like the ones 
Leonardo is working on (on the network topology side).

This project really needs more stable contributors to fix bugs, improve 
documentation and merge the many small pull requests that we are getting 
daily, so if your company uses OpenWISP for its business and you are 
reading this, consider asking them if they let would you work some of your 
time on OpenWISP or if they can give a small financial contribution so that 
we can keep up the speed of improvement and development.

Thanks to whoever read this communication and passed it along :-)


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