> >> which specific package is causing issue ?
> > 
> > In my setup, I've noticed this with dnsmasq and babeld. That is,
> > that I needed to restart and instead of reload to get things to
> > take effect. Everything else I run is configured by command line
> > arguments.

> what do you want to do ? track a file and if changed trigger a reload ?

Nope, I want /etc/init.d/foo reload to work as expected.

I've written package-specific handlers for now, along the lines of my
ten-second version earlier and I'll be submitting those at some point
this week. I'd love to see a more general solution, even if it takes some
modicum of effort per daemon to implement. Especially for daemons that
are mildly costly to restart, and can't just reread their config files.

Tristan (who has now learned to submit discussion first, not patches.)

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