> On 15/09/2014 10:36, Tristan Plumb wrote:
> >>>> which specific package is causing issue ?
> >>> In my setup, I've noticed this with dnsmasq and babeld. That is,
> >>> that I needed to restart and instead of reload to get things to
> >>> take effect. Everything else I run is configured by command line
> >>> arguments.
> >> what do you want to do ? track a file and if changed trigger a reload ?
> > Nope, I want /etc/init.d/foo reload to work as expected.

> vagueness == no fix

> if you wont this fixed you need to be more elaborate than "as expected"

The current behavior with a procd service is that unless the service has
declared its own routine /etc/init.d/foo reload will restart the service
if the command line changes, but otherwise take no action to alert the
service of new configuration files. The expected behavior is that reload
will reload changed configuration by whatever means necessary, including
restarting the service.

Which is what /etc/init.d/foo help claims it does.

Lacking information about how the service is configured, it must

Knowing the configuration files, it must restart if they, the command
line arguments, or the enviroment have changed, but not otherwise.

Knowing that the service takes SIGHUP to reread configuration files, it
must restart if the command line arguments, or environment, have changed,
but only be sent a signal otherwise.

Knowing that the service manages this itself nothing need happen.

And there are mixtures of the four, some services manage data one way and
connections another. It might be useful to have one name for data and
another for connections, but that's not what we've inherited, merely
reload means to reload the configuration.

Does that sound about right?


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