Hi and sorry John and all other that i could have offended.
That was really not the goal of my mail, and me being a bit tired and not
so good in english,
i wrote an awful rant without noticing.

Thanks for all the work that you are doing. I know that you and other are
working hard
to provide us the best router distribution out there
(i really mean it: infinite uptime (between power surge :) ), endless
customisation, great hardware support).

I originaly wrote this mail because i read a ticket on github asking to
backport some stuff to for-14.07,
but maybe it's too late for BB ... and was thinking why isn't BB out?
RC1 RC2 RC3 were quick but after that very few news
31 Jul - RC3, RC4 or final in 2 weeks
8 Sep - tests builds done, some more bugs fixed
18Sep - BB 14.07 is using 533282da863c27be4805fc1655f82f
1Oct ...

Thanks for everything and sorry again for this useless rant

2014-10-02 7:30 GMT+02:00 John Crispin <blo...@openwrt.org>:

> no its certainly farting. i have you 2 and about 1 other person
> complain. the other 95% sent me mails with nice and simple questions and
> input and so forth.
> i just had a look, yesterday i got related to BB
> * 8 "thank you" mails
> * 6 mails asking for various support things
> * 4 pkg maintainers ask for help/logs
> * 2 devs asking for root on the build server
> * 2 people reminded me that now BB is out of the way that i promised to
> fix NCM, hwdetect, ...
> * 2 mails of people voicing wishes for CC
> * 2 driver fixes for i2c on mediatek  .....
> * and etiennes mails and your reply
> sorry but looking at those numbers it is farting that you are doing.
>     John
> On 02/10/2014 07:01, Hanno Schupp wrote:
> > I think this is his point, mate: You work hard (in isolation), but
> > don't communicate.
> > If you want to avoid emails that smell like farts to you, why not tell
> > people what's going on?
> >
> > On 2 October 2014 17:51, John Crispin <blo...@openwrt.org
> > <mailto:blo...@openwrt.org>> wrote:
> >
> >     nice rant, what happened at mignight that you got so angry that you
> >     feel you needed to vent it out on us ?
> >
> >     i would like to point out that the BB-final binaries have been online
> >     for over a day. currently the root filesystems only hold a opkg.conf
> >     with base and luci. last night we regenerated the files so that the
> >     opkg.conf holds all feeds.
> >
> >     while you were busy farting we were busy working. but thanks for the
> >     nice mail.
> >
> >
> >     On 01/10/2014 23:59, Etienne Champetier wrote:
> >     > Hi,
> >     >
> >     > OpenWRT is a wonderfull piece of open source code, and it would be
> >     > really great if the project management could be as open as the
> >     > code. BB should be out now but for an unknow reason, it's not, and
> >     > it's frustating. If some feature are missing, let people know. If
> >     > some bugs need to be killed, let the community help. If buildbots
> >     > are broken, let someone provide new ones. Open a TODO list on an
> >     > etherpad, involve people. Whatever the reasons are, i'm sure some
> >     > people can help.
> >     >
> >     > When you open the process, you get more work done (see new packages
> >     > feed).
> >     >
> >     > Please communicate!!!
> >     >
> >     > Thanks Etienne
> >     >
> >     >
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