On 10 March 2015 at 21:26, Gergely Kiss <mail.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Valent,
> first of all, I strongly disagree with people claiming that OpenWrt sucks
> because it doesn't. For me it rather looks like a well-maintained, rapidly
> improving project with a great number of actively supported hardware and
> quite a few people contributing to


> Do you think OpenWrt sucks? Then stop complaining and do something to make
> it better. It's that simple.
> Cheers,
> Gergely

Hi Gergely,
thanks for your reply and for your contribution to OpenWrt. But I have
to ask - have you read my message apart from headline? If you have
read it you will see that I'm defending OpenWrt and I definitely don't
think it sucks!

I contribute to it everyday, but not (yet) as a developer but as
advanced user, forum and wiki contributor and have organized multiple
workshops all accross Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia to get people to
use OpenWrt.

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