
Since router CPUS are relatively slow and uni core, expect 2 to 4 times
performance gain if you were to use Hardware NAT.
Open source gives you freedom to shape your router any way you like. You
can even do your own coding in C, BASH, LUA etc and make the router
dance on your tune i.e if you know how to program. Even if you don't
know programming, you can still use open source packages to customize
your router any way you like.

HW nat as advertised by TPLINK may offer upto 800 Mbps throughput on WAN
port. This could be useful if you have Gigabit internet connection.
However for rest of the world who don't even have 100 Mbps internet
connection (Including myself, most I get is 20Mbps), hardware NAT  will
offer no advantage. Yes it will reduce the load of your router's CPU but
to do what? If  you are using TPLINK firmware, you wont be able to do
much with the CPU saving any way.

So in summary, HW nat would be helpful once Gigabit internet is commonly
available and if router CPUs are pathetically slow. However HW nat can
be substituted with faster multicore CPU  (some companies have already
started dual core routers) routers. I would prefer a faster CPU since I
can do more than just NAT with it. The resistance to HW NAT seems to
come from the fact that it does not fit the existing netfilter model. So
I don't see any thing happening on the HW NAT side, unless the HW NAT
would adjust to the existing software model or the need of speed forces
programmers to change the netfilter model. I hope I was able to  shed
some light for you and others as well.


This question now is: will there be any significant gains by running IPV6

On 03/09/2015 10:21 PM, Michael Richardson wrote:
> Alpha Sparc <> wrote:
>     > I believe it is due to the hardware NAT not supported.
> So, really, nothing to do with wifi drivers at all.
> You don't need (hardware) NAT if you run IPv6...
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