Il giorno mar 7 mag 2024 alle ore 18:53 Enrico Mioso
<> ha scritto:
> Hello all!!
> is there any chance we can merge any form of this patch?
> The device it is related seems pretty popular and one of the rare devices 
> supporting VDSL, 35B profile and with nice specs.
> Even tough I can understand it is not desirable to maintain this patch 
> indefinitely should that be the case, I don't think leaving it out of OpenWrt 
> is the right answer.
> Also due to the fact this seems, in my opinion, one of these things that can 
> act as barrier to entry for a typical setup (at least when VDSL is involved).
> Thanks a lot to all of you for your great work.

For everyone involved, I would really love if we can move here and test the alternative
patch. It does have a different and more restricted approach.

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