#11209: ar71xx iw reports adhoc rx rate 1Mbps (throughput is higher)
  Reporter:  Musti <musti@…>  |      Owner:  developers
      Type:  defect           |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal           |  Milestone:  Barrier Breaker 14.07
 Component:  packages         |    Version:  Trunk
Resolution:                   |   Keywords:

Comment (by thx1111):

 This report has been open since 2012-04-01.  It is ongoing still in 2016,
 with iw version 4.3 in openwrt, and iw version 4.7 in Arch.  It is not
 just a problem with openwrt per se.

 The problem is not always with the "receive" bitrate, but may instead be
 with the "transmit" bitrate.  Also, the misreported rate is complementary
 between the access point and the station, where, for instance, iw at the
 station may report "rx bitrate:     1.0 MBit/s" while the access point
 reports "tx bitrate:     1.0 MBit/s", even though the actual access point
 to station channel rate is some much higher value.

 I suspect that the cause may be some kind of failed interaction between iw
 and various wireless drivers.  I have seen iw report the "correct"
 transmit and receive bitrates on some station hardware while the access
 point is still reporting "1.0 MBit/s" as the "tx bitrate".

 In addition to the problem with the transmit and receive bitrate reports,
 I also see iw misreport the signal levels on occasion, such as "196 dBm".
 That suggests some kind of overflow in the conversion software.

 I suppose that this bug should be treated as "Upstream".

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/11209#comment:2>
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