On 23 Aug 2013 08:56, "Evgeniy Khramtsov" <xramt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23.08.2013 17:43, Dave Cridland wrote:
>> You're wrong, actually. But what Phil suggested here was using it for CA
pinning, where the certificate is signed by a CA not in your list of trust
anchors, where trust in the chain derives from DNSSEC.
>> As a more complete explanation, dnssec allows records that publish the
CA, or certificate, of a service, and whether it is the only such object
acceptable or whether it is merely additionally acceptable (ie, if normal
PKIX rules apply as well or not). Very flexible, very powerful, well with
looking into.
> I admit I'm total noob in all that CA/PKIX/DNSSEC stuff as it makes me
sleepy as hell when I try to dive into it ;) What I'd like to have is
TLS-security without any CAs at all. If we can do that with

Right, you can do that, but you can also run your own private CA, and have
the benefits of both.

> --
> Regards,
> Evgeniy Khramtsov, ProcessOne.
> xmpp:x...@jabber.ru.

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