I can make a meeting on 10/6, but will be on my way back from Disney :)

So, previously, I had my Github location as my primary spot, which worked great 
for trying to build up a community. It was easier than the current private 
Gerrit arrangement. But it also has a downside. After discussion with the other 
TSC members, I changed the flow up and I made the Gerrit.opnfv.org repo the 
primary and then made the Github location the mirror. 

These are things I had to deal with:

1) Create a robot to update the mirror as Gerrit changes. This was also built 
into my build script. But a robot kinda has to be in place to keep the two 
locations in sync. 

2) The problem on the Github side is that there's no real place to tie into the 
Gerrit workflow. So I made a quarantine area for people to upload a directory 
structure and some code for us to verify and test.  This made it easy to accept 
contributions in the mirror. But it ensure they were going to be out of sync 
with Gerrit. 

By the way, all additions are out of sync with Gerrit unless you're on the 
review. So I don't see why this is new for the committers. 

3) Since the same code has to be reviewed by the same reviewers, really the 
only extra step is to get the code then from the Github side to the appropriate 
Gerrit folder location. This would have to be done by either a committer or 
contributor with Gerrit access. If done by a committer, it could be done with a 
+2 if the code had already been reviewed on the Github side. 

4) Downsides of the process is that while the outside contributor can be viewed 
as the contributor in the original Github side of things and even in the 
copyrights, he/she won't show in the statistics because the final commit will 
have to be someone with access to the project in Gerrit. 

Then again, let's not forget that someone on the outside can easily obtain 
Gerrit access. They don't need to be a member. One of us in the community could 
easily walk them through stuff to be added. This is merely to ensure the 
directories and the community is broadly viewable by the outside world, so that 
we can get them to help us, or to at least use what we've developed. And that's 
key. At the end of the day, we also want our code re-used. 

I hope this helps some. 



Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 26, 2016, at 3:10 AM, Raymond Paik <rp...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> Luke, 
> "External" repos is something we want to have a discussion on in early/mid 
> October (borrowing Bin's Thursday Technical Community Discussion mtg.)
> In OpenStack, if someone contributes to the github repo, do some of those 
> github contributions also get "moved" to the main OpenStack repo?  If yes, 
> how is that done?  My understanding is that you also need a contributor 
> agreement in OpenStack 
> (https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/89871/does-the-company-need-to-be-a-member-of-the-foundation-in-order-for-employees-to-contribute-code-on-behalf-of-the-company/)
> Thanks, 
> Ray 
>> On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Luke Hinds <lhi...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am sure this might have already been discussed, if so apologies.
>> Is there any reason we don't mirror our repos to github (similar as happens 
>> with openstack).
>> I ask as it could encourage more developers to get involved by increasing 
>> exposure (especially for independents).
>> We already have an org in place https://github.com/opnfv
>> Regards,
>> Luke
>> -- 
>> Luke Hinds | NFV Partner Engineering | Office of Technology | Red Hat
>> e: lhi...@redhat.com | irc: lhinds @freenode | m: +44 77 45 63 98 84 | t: 
>> +44 12 52 36 2483
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