
Interesting question. It is similar to getting VNF events from an EMS or OAM 
vm. The reason and rationale for heartbeat event was to avoid sending 
pings/queries to the devices but having DCAE analytics capable of analyzing 
heartbeat and metrics to determine health status of the device (compared to 
currently done via heath-check query to VNF). We had discussed earlier if the 
events coming in can assume if VNF is ok, instead of heartbeat and team felt 
otherwise. Fault and syslog event frequency can vary (you may not receive event 
for hours. If VNF is running smoothly). With Metrics the interval can be long 
(5  mins...15mins)...thus a need for Heartbeat event.
The heartbeat is not from agent but for devices for which data is being send. 
In some cases the entity forwarding the data could determine the health and it 
can create and send a HB event. You said this very well in your email for the 
infrastructure scenario, we may need to proxy the heartbeats for hosts not 
running the agent.

Hope this helps.


Alok Gupta
MT B2 3D30<>

Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 8:55 AM
Cc: '' <>
Subject: [barometer] VES Heartbeats


Thinking about the shared Agent ( from Barometer) design, in which we 
don't need an agent running on each node, but can use a single agent running on 
the local cloud which aggregates VES events from the Kafka bus, it brings up 
the question of how heartbeats are supposed to work (and what we use them for) 
in the VES design.

Beyond the VNF (presumably by integration of the ONAP VES library into the 
VNF), have you been assuming that the heartbeats represent the health of:

  *   The VES agent
  *   A host (real or virtual, whether running a VES agent or not) from which 
VES events are received

If the latter, we need to consider how the agent can proxy the heartbeats for 
hosts on which there is no agent running, e.g. the agent can keep a host-based 
flag that is set whenever a collectd event is picked up on the Kafka bus during 
the heartbeat period, and send a Heartbeat report for each host at the end of 
the period. But really in that case couldn't DCAE derive that information 
anyway from what it had received? So it calls into question the purpose of the 
heartbeat beyond the VNF itself (the obvious use case) - I just need to clarify 

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

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