Listing upper-constraints doesn’t mean that it will be installed. It only 
enforces the right version.

Functest doesn’t leverage on it then why should we force the installation in 
our container?
It must be installed as any parser dependency when installing your package.
I can modify your requirements.txt if it helps.


De : []
Envoyé : lundi 11 décembre 2017 10:23
Cc :;;;
Objet : 答复: RE: [opnfv-tech-discuss] Hi, ollivier and  functest team, one test 
issue from community CI.

python-openstackclient is already included in the file of 
 which is used in functest/core dockefile.

and i notice that all the other clients(nova,neutron,cinder.etc) are installed 
except opnestack client.

In addition. in my opinion openstack client is a common requirement for all 
feature projects.

尚小冬 shangxiaodong

发件人: <<>>;
收件人:尚小冬10032185; <<>>;
日 期 :2017年12月11日 16:52
主 题 :RE: [opnfv-tech-discuss] Hi, ollivier and  functest team, one test issue 
from community CI.

It should have been added as dependency (requirements.txt) in your python 
I don’t want to list it in the Dockerfile to bypass your issue.


De :<>
 [] De la part de<>
Envoyé : lundi 11 décembre 2017 10:00
À :<>
Cc :<>;<>;<>
Objet : [opnfv-tech-discuss] Hi, ollivier and  functest team, one test issue 
from community CI.

I consider  the following ci functest test result about parser project in 
master branch.

======================={ Parser functest begin }==========================

|========= 1/4. Preparing VM image for parser...     =========|

  Download image cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img...

./ line 72: openstack: command not found

  Registe image cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec...

./ line 79: openstack: command not found

  Clean-up the environment...

./ line 243: openstack: command not found

    Delete local image file cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec.img after test.

    Delete local URL image file cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img after test.

./ line 275: openstack: command not found

    Delete user parser's role from project parser

./ line 283: openstack: command not found

    Delete user parser

./ line 290: openstack: command not found

    Delete project parser

./ line 295: openstack: command not 
found======================={ Parser functest end }==========================

It seems that openstack client is not installed in parser docker image,

so i installed python-openstackclient after launching parser container manually 
in my local enviroment, and the test was successful.

Would you please check the dockerfile or scripts in functest? thanks.

尚小冬 shangxiaodong

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