On 2/16/16 3:08 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
>>> One thing to keep in mind is that, if the document describing the
>>> currently deployed protocol is informational, we may have a tricky time
>>> making the extensions be standards track; it would (presumably) require
>>> a downref. 
>> it would; it is not logically a huge problem, merely wierd.
>> I doubt very much that a push for better securing of an existing mature
>> protocol is the likely source of controversy there.
> what is amusing is that some folk seem to be contemplating that the
> rfc of an old and widely distributed and used protocol should not be
> standard.

Occasionally I wonder if "this problem" is the hill I'm going to choose
to die on... Then I remember I'm at the IETF, and self-restraint
suggests otherwise.

> randy

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