> Hi Randy, today, at IETF96 in Berlin, we discussed this document in
> the OPSAWG meeting. 
> We would be interested to hear your opinion (from an operator point of
> view) on this document.  It is a short document. Hearing if you think
> this makes sense or not would be great.
> You can send you comments to me directly or (preferably) to the opsawg
> mailing list at OPSAWG@ietf.org

at this level of abstraction, anything can be made to look as if it
would work and be wonderful.  it essentially says that a multi-as vpn is
composed by linking multiple single-as vpn systems.  this is not a deep
insight, and it provides no clues on how to do it.

of the 392 devils to be found in the details, inter-provider
authentication and identification of end-points, billing, ...  the list
goes on and one.

then there are issues such as describing and provisioning the contracted
(with the end customer) privacy constraints across multiple provider

fwiw, our customers do use multi-provider vpns; they use ipsec.  we
provide ipsec capable cpe and various management/orchestration systems.


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