"Joe Clarke (jclarke)" <jcla...@cisco.com> writes:

>> - Is it correct that the server type may be either one of "authentication", 
>> "authorization" or "accounting", or all of them? Is it impossible for a 
>> server to be authentication & authorization but not accounting? Such a 
>> variant cannot be configured.
>> [Bo] OK, will correct when the final guidance on this issue is received.
> Lada replied yesterday to say that the bit string is likely preferred similar 
> to access-operations in ietf-netconf-acm.  I might personally discourage the 
> use of ‘*’ for this given that there are only three types, but that’s just my 
> individual thought.


I think it is better to have all three types explicitly in the value. Perhaps 
this could also be the default?


> Joe

Ladislav Lhotka 
Head, CZ.NIC Labs
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