Thu, May 07, 2020 at 03:02:24PM +0200, Ladislav Lhotka:
> > [Bo] Please see if the definition below is correct:
> >   typedef tcsplus-server-type {
> >        type bits {
> >          bit authentication {
> >            description
> >              "When set, the server is an authentication server.";
> >          }
> >          bit authorization {
> >            description
> >              "When set, the server is an authorization server.";
> >          }
> >          bit accounting {
> >            description
> >              "When set, the server is an accounting server.";
> >          }
> >          bit all {
> >            description
> >              "When set, the server can be all types of TACACS+ servers.";
> >          }
> > 
> >        }
> >        description
> >          "server-type can be set to authentication/authorization/accounting 
> > or any combination of the three types.
> >           When all three types are supported, either "all" or the three 
> > bits setting can be used;
> >      }
> > 
> > <tp>
> > I would drop the all.   I know that I suggested it, or an asterisk, but I 
> > was thinking that this was a common  case.  Joe suggests that no accounting 
> > is the commoner - I do not have sufficient exposure to know - in which case 
> > I would not bother with 'all'.  Whether or not to make auth/auth  the 
> > default I have no particular view on - as I say, I lack the exposure to be 
> > confident about that.
> > 
> > Having 'all' adds complexity, two ways to something, while making a small 
> > saving in message size - on balance, not worth it.
> Agreed. Lada

Note that enabling certain types of accounting is rare, at least in my
opinion.  eg: enabling login accounting is not rare, while command
accounting is rare because it is expensive esp. on some particular devices.

Also, rare or not, enabling it for a tacacs server is sort of orthogonal.
it will not be used for that purpose unless some form of accounting is

I'll have to look at the model again; i do not recall if the model allows
for particular accounting types w/o augmentation.

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