thanks for review!  proposed diff attached.

>   If the comments change, the signature changes?

yep.  otherwise vast complexity lurks.  but is there a text change you
want?  i may be naïve expecting that "a digest of the main body of the
file" is sufficient.

>     [a] the source of the geofeed claims is authoritative to make said
>         claims for the contained prefixes, and

iff you trust the rpki crypto chain

>     [b] the correctness of the claims themselves (i.e. that the location of
>         2001:db8::/32 really is "Shire, Middle Earth").

above my pay grade

do you have suggested text?

>   The text from section 4 provides a suggestion: perhaps replace
>   "authenticate" with "verify the authority of", or some such
>   formulation?

hmmmm.  hacked a bit.

> [ section 1 ]
> * Probably the intro should hint at the authentication awesomeness contained
>   within.  I think, actually, the last paragraph of section 2 can just be
>   relocated to the end of this section and it will flow well.


> [[ nits ]]



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