Hi OPSAWG chairs,

I wrote to you at the start of Janusary about draft-richardson-mud-qrcode/
 which is derived from draft-richardson-opsawg-securehomegateway-mud

My question was whether, in your opinion, this should be in the OPSAWG or
it is OK for it to be published in the Independent Stream.

I also wondered if you are aware of any history related to the document
that you could share with me.

I see from the mailing list that Michael has raised the draft on the list
a couple of times, but without any follow-up.

What I'd like to know (and the WG can contribute to this discussion) is
whether this is something that the WG would like to complete and publish
in the IETF stream.

Any thoughts?

Adrian Farrel (Independent Stream Editor),

OPSAWG mailing list

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