LXNM Desing Team Meeting



  *   Bo Wu
  *   Qin Wu
  *   Luis Muñoz
  *   Raul Arco
  *   Oscar Gonzalez de dios
  *   Samier Barrguil


  *   Review of the open issues owned and opened by Qin Wu.
  *   Review the ESI issue


  *   Issue 201<https://github.com/IETF-OPSAWG-WG/lxnm/issues/224>. Fast 
re-route i the L2NM.
     *   There are two scenarios sing and dual homing.
     *   Both requires the configuration of FRR in the PEs.
     *   Enable FRR for MAC routes between the local and remote end.
     *   Option #1: In both cases the global configuration of FRR applies.
     *   Option #2: Configure the FRR as part of the Far-End Configuration.
     *   How it is done today at device level

Cisco: By default, no backup next hop address is set for FRR.

Huawei: Sample configuration delivered by Qin.

Huawei: EVPN VPWS configuration Example(Interface+EVPL instance+EVPN instance)

Nokia: Raul is going to check if this is something supported in Nokia at 
service level or control plane.
<https://codimd.ietf.org/#Action-Points>Action Points

  *   Add samples on the text how the Single Active and Active/Active scenarios 
are covered by the model. @RaulArco
  *   Move the Ethernet Segment Identifier at VPN Network Access level. @Samier
  *   Add new issues to the GitHub based on expert review @Qin 


Samier Barguil
Transport & IP Networks | GCTIO - Technology | CIT Centro Integrado de 
Transporte |

Móvil +57 3017026430

Móvil +34 665416074

E-mail samier.barguilgiraldo....@telefonica.com

E-mail samier.barg...@wipro.com


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