A couple of comments:

1/ "evpn-type" seems redundant, as the allowed types are already covered by 
"vpn-type". But if there is a reason to have it, also need "mpls-evpn" as an 
allowed evpn-type.

2/ There is a container called "status" (imported from vpn-common). "Status" is 
a yang keyword, so it causes problems with yang editors and yang tools. Would 
be better to call it something else.

The model is very useful, many thanks to the authors.


Hello, WG.  We would like to kick off a WG LC for the
draft-ietf-opsawg-l2nm draft.  As you review it, I would encourage
looking back at draft-ietf-opsawg-vpn-common to make sure everything
lines up well.  We'd like to give two weeks for review, with LC closing
on October 1.

@Adrian Farrel you were gracious enough to act as shepherd for the L3NM
and vpn-common drafts.  Would you be willing to shepherd this one as well?




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