WG LC has closed on this document.  There have been a few comments by
both opsawg members and others (after the extended sweep of RTG).  The
authors have not yet addressed the comments in a published draft but
have proposed changes.

Adrian Farrel has graciously agreed to act as shepherd of this document.

I will mark the status as done with LC and awaiting write-up and a
revised I-D.  Thanks to the WG for commenting and to the contributors
for acking the IPR poll.  There has been no IPR cited for this work thus


On 9/16/21 12:00, Joe Clarke (jclarke) wrote:
> Hello, WG.  We would like to kick off a WG LC for the
> draft-ietf-opsawg-l2nm draft.  As you review it, I would encourage
> looking back at draft-ietf-opsawg-vpn-common to make sure everything
> lines up well.  We'd like to give two weeks for review, with LC closing
> on October 1.
> @Adrian Farrel you were gracious enough to act as shepherd for the L3NM
> and vpn-common drafts.  Would you be willing to shepherd this one as well?
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-opsawg-l2nm
> Thanks.
> Joe
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